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Bernard Carr - Fine-Tuning in Cosmology
Bernard Carr - Physics of Fine-Tuning
Fine-Tuning in Crete: Bernard Carr, Re-assessing the fine-tunings in physics and cosmology
Bernard Carr - Philosophy of Fine-Tuning
Bernard Carr - Why Cosmic Fine-tuning Demands Explanation
Bernard Carr - Ultimate Questions: Do They Evolve?
Black Holes, Cosmology, and the Limits of Science with Bernard Carr
Does Cosmic Fine-Tuning Demand Explanation? | Episode 1208 | Closer To Truth
Life in the Universe: Bernard Carr, Assessing Fine-Tunings: How Many? How Fine? How Come?
Bernard Carr, Fine-Tunings and the Big Bang--at the RAS
Fine-Tuning Conversations: Jim Hartle and Bernard Carr 2, The Quantum and Cosmological Scales
Cosmic Time and Synchronicity: The Mind's Connection to the Universe, Bernard Carr, EP 373